It is an absolute honor to have you on this publication. Thank you for your humility and
for sparing time to chat with us.
1) Would you kindly make a list of titles you bear from your portfolio? Could there be a
side of you that you feel the world is unaware of?
– I’m an Actress, Creator, International and Intercontinental Producer. I try my best to be
the best Producer however some productions don’t go the way one plans example we
just shot a Pilot for a well known Zimbabwean Prophet who ended not paying the
production the amount agreed on, as a growing Producer you make a plan even it
means paying out of pocket…which is exactly what I did.

2) How have you managed to remain relevant as a producer in such a male dominated
industry? Kindly share some of the challenges experienced by female producers.
– It’s definitely not easy navigating the “Boys Club” dealings that go on, I don’t know
how many male producers I’ve plugged in and have gotten work faster than a blink.
However we keep pushing on.

3) What is your definition of a good marriage? Your thoughts on the rise of divorce rate
in Africa?
-I honestly don’t think anyone walks into a marriage with bad intentions, it’s all in the
name of finding your person, setting down and raising a family. But so much goes
wrong and good intentions are messed up. With that said I still believe in the institution
the way that God intended it.

4) Do you think men and women are equal? What are your thoughts on patriarchy?
– Sadly that might never be the case. We fight a good fight as women but the power
struggle is real. Also the Patriarch will continue to trump us because we’d rather see
another female down than be supportive to their , Potencial and strength.

5) How long did it take for you to discover your purpose? What advice would you give to
a young woman who is trying to discover herself?

– Fortunately I’ve never been confused about what I wanted to do beyond acting so I
worked on my -empowering strategy and it’s still an everyday build up.

6) Anything you think government leaders should do to support women in the arts and
entertainment industry?
– I think Government debate in any sector not just the arts is a moot point.

7) Your best way to deal with cyber bullying and false accusations?
– People have gotten so bitter that they gain power behind technology screens. Because
I know who I am and most importantly know my truth I just ignore the noise honestly
because one will end up hanging themselves. It’s been for me at least to switch off.
Arguing with a fool has never elevated no man.

8) Your take away advice to women reading this?
– Don’t be changed who you are in an attempt to mould yourself for anyone. True,
genuine people are scarse these days. Remember who you are and who’s you are.
Leaving your own mark and legacy is still a thing no matter how the world and people
living in it change.

You are indeed a star. Keep shining. We are proud of you!

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